Shameless - Remix

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CatAndDragons's avatar
So I don't know how many of you have been following me from...oh god it's been three years *sobs*

I know a lot of you are new followers who just started following me because of Dear Mom, so you may or may not know about a little comic I was doing a while back called Shameless.

It followed the story of a girl named Seven...and I hate it.
Like, a lot.

I mean, I don't hate the overall story, but I do hate the way I ended up telling it.

I've been debating whether or not I wanted to share this announcement, because I don't know if any of you that actively follow me have even read Shameless, but I decided, why not.

I decided to completely re-write Shameless. Like, it'll have the same basic plotline, but more polished. 
Fun fact: in the original write, I killed off Envy and Revenge because I had totally forgotten about their roles in the plot until the last minute.
I hate that I did that, because it was a lazy thing to do. But that's only part of the reason why I decided to rewrite Shameless.

The way that the story was told ended up being so messy and unclear.
See, the way I wrote it kind of made reading Sentries (an equally bad prequel story) fairly necessary to even understand half of the story and character interactions. But I hate Sentries even more than I hate Shameless :iconcryforever:

I decided to rewrite Shameless because I still want to tell the story. I just decided to rewrite it in a way that actually does the story some justice....

PLEASE DO NOT ask when I'm going to post it. I only just started the process of re-writing, and so far I've only rewritten the first Chapter.
Which has almost doubled in length with only one page that bears any resemblance to a page in the original chapter. *sob*
I have no idea when I'm going to even start properly drawing it.

What I do know:
-Most of the chapters are going to be incredibly different, longer, and clearer.
-It will most likely be done digitally, not traditionally like the original was.
-The backstory will be clearly explained in the first chapter.
-I'm working one chapter at a time with the basic rewrite, and then I will work one chapter at a time with the comic proper
-It will NO LONGER BE CALLED SHAMELESS. I haven't yet decided what it's going to be called, but the song "Shameless" has literally nothing to do with the story. I'm going to rewrite the story, and then I'm going to choose a more appropriate name. For now, it will be known as "Shameless Remix," but that's just the production title of sorts.
© 2015 - 2024 CatAndDragons
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Jubalii's avatar
I think that everyone gets to the point that they cringe when they see their earlier works. I still grimace with pain when I see people reading and reviewing my first-ever Hellsing fanfiction. (not bragging here, but you know me enough by now to realize when I would be bragging) I've become one of the leading names in the genre as a first-pager with CA, but when I see people enjoying my original story, I feel a little nauseous because I know how rushed and horrible it was.

At the same time, some ask "are you going to rewrite it?" and I have mixed feelings about doing that, partly because it was my first work and going back to it is like changing history, but the flip side is that I know I could make it so much better if I had the chance.

Basically, I know what you're feeling, because like me and a million other people you've grown and matured in both plot-style and drawing, and looking back at your more immature (not literally, but you get it) work is kind of like a "ew" moment. But we shouldn't be like that, because not only is it a testament to your life and mindset back then, but it is actually a good story and like you said, the embellishment and additions you can add now will only enhance the plot, because those same embellishments are symbolic of the ones that real life tossed upon you, making you better.

Psychological rambling, but I think you get my drift XD